
Wednesday, October 5, 2005 Earthquake

The earthquake hit Australia the Wednesday, October 5, 2005 at 19:36 with a magnitude of 3.3. The closest city with more than 15.000 habitants is Rockingham (Australia - AU). The epicenter is located at longitude 117.171 and latitude -30.166. 271.22 km from Ovalle.
Magnitude 3.3
Depth ? 0
Nst ? 6
Dmin ?
Dmin ?
Location Rockingham
Western Australia
Australia (au))

Earthquake Map 10/5/2005 7:36:12 PM

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Closest cities

Closest cities near the epicenter
Alice Springs387.44 km
Whyalla1008.81 km
Gawler1210.79 km
Broken Hill1215.62 km
Prospect1226.51 km
Morphett Vale1242.95 km
Murray Bridge1285.92 km
Mildura1406.98 km
Port Hedland1416.99 km
Palmerston1495.84 km

Biggest cities

Closest cities with Population over 100,000
Rockingham1637.18 km
Bendigo1735.99 km
Townsville City1788.41 km
Geelong1843.14 km
Kupang1915.46 km
Díli2013.77 km
Canberra2016.40 km
Labuhanbajo2256.92 km
Hobart2391.89 km
Mataram2488.72 km

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