
Sunday, September 20, 2009 Earthquake

The earthquake hit Italy the Sunday, September 20, 2009 at 03:50 with a magnitude of 4.3. The closest city with more than 15.000 habitants is Perugia (Italy - IT). The epicenter is located at longitude 13.394 and latitude 43.406. 87.82 km from Ovalle.
Magnitude 4.3
Depth ? 37.7
Nst ? 166
Dmin ?
Dmin ? 4.6
Location Perugia
Italy (it))

Earthquake Map 9/20/2009 3:50:17 AM

Closest cities

Closest cities near the epicenter
Tolentino15.30 km
Macerata18.86 km
Fermo23.19 km
Porto San Giorgio29.43 km
Porto Sant'Elpidio29.70 km
Civitanova Marche30.22 km
Civitanova Marche30.22 km
Ascoli Piceno32.57 km
Osimo40.06 km
San Benedetto del Tronto40.17 km

Biggest cities

Closest cities with Population over 100,000
Perugia85.25 km
Pescara97.70 km
Rimini125.69 km
Rome156.65 km
Florence190.43 km
Prato206.39 km
Bologna226.82 km
Split247.13 km
Foggia253.87 km
Rijeka257.08 km

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