
Thursday, May 21, 2020 Earthquake

The earthquake hit Democratic Republic of the Congo the Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 12:57 with a magnitude of 5.2. The closest city with more than 15.000 habitants is Kolwezi (Democratic Republic of the Congo - CD). The epicenter is located at longitude 23.9776 and latitude -9.6571. 200.90 km from Ovalle.
Magnitude 5.2
Depth ? 10
Nst ?
Dmin ? 6.936
Dmin ?
Location Kolwezi
Democratic Republic of the Congo (cd))

Earthquake Map 5/21/2020 12:57:33 PM

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Closest cities

Closest cities near the epicenter
Kamina150.71 km
Kolwezi200.90 km
Bukama210.82 km
Luau223.97 km
Mwene-Ditu299.56 km
Muene Luanda308.77 km
Kambove317.05 km
Gandajika321.52 km
Likasi335.58 km
Kansanshi380.26 km

Biggest cities

Closest cities with Population over 100,000
Kolwezi200.90 km
Mwene-Ditu299.56 km
Gandajika321.52 km
Likasi335.58 km
Mbuji-Mayi390.10 km
Lubumbashi442.82 km
Kananga448.73 km
Tshikapa501.09 km
Chingola530.28 km
Mufulira565.08 km

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