
Saturday, June 24, 2023 Earthquake

The earthquake hit Spain the Saturday, June 24, 2023 at 11:45 with a magnitude of 4.4. The closest city with more than 15.000 habitants is A Coruña (Spain - ES). The epicenter is located at longitude -11.8291 and latitude 44.0149. 284.90 km from Ovalle.
Magnitude 4.4
Depth ? 9.18
Nst ? 22
Dmin ? 4.814
Dmin ?
Location A Coruña
A Coruña
Spain (es))

Earthquake Map 6/24/2023 11:45:15 AM

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Closest cities

Closest cities near the epicenter
Fisterra241.20 km
Carballo268.48 km
Arteixo279.10 km
Boiro283.09 km
Ames284.73 km
A Coruña284.90 km
Culleredo288.96 km
Cambre292.48 km
Oleiros293.27 km
Santiago de Compostela294.30 km

Biggest cities

Closest cities with Population over 100,000
A Coruña284.90 km
Vigo320.63 km
Ourense372.42 km
Braga390.81 km
Porto411.90 km
Oviedo487.43 km
Gijón499.36 km
Coimbra509.01 km
León531.71 km
Salamanca609.08 km

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