
Monday, December 18, 2023 Earthquake

The earthquake hit Mexico the Monday, December 18, 2023 at 00:15 with a magnitude of 4.9. The closest city with more than 15.000 habitants is Tapachula de Córdova y Ordoñez (Mexico - MX). The epicenter is located at longitude -93.9065 and latitude 14.3564. 187.15 km from Ovalle.
Magnitude 4.9
Depth ? 10
Nst ? 51
Dmin ? 2.565
Dmin ?
Location Tapachula de Córdova y Ordoñez
Mexico (mx))

Earthquake Map 12/18/2023 12:15:08 AM

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Closest cities

Closest cities near the epicenter
Mapastepec161.15 km
Pijijiapan164.90 km
Huixtla177.58 km
Tapachula de Córdova y Ordoñez187.15 km
Arriaga208.10 km
Motozintla210.95 km
Coatepeque223.12 km
San Marcos237.13 km
Colomba237.57 km
Frontera Comalapa238.51 km

Biggest cities

Closest cities with Population over 100,000
Tapachula de Córdova y Ordoñez187.15 km
Quetzaltenango262.85 km
Tuxtla Gutiérrez278.70 km
San Cristóbal de las Casas296.51 km
Las Margaritas299.04 km
Escuintla336.45 km
San Juan Sacatepéquez353.88 km
Mixco357.75 km
Villa Nueva358.36 km
Villa Canales364.02 km

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